Написать эссе на 150-200 слов, проанализировав диаграммы

Предмет: Английский язык
Раздел: Анализ диаграмм

Написать эссе на 150-200 слов, проанализировав диаграммы.

The two figures provided illustrate key trends related to the usage and learning of the English language. Figure 1 depicts the distribution of website content languages, while Figure 2 shows the number of adults learning English over time.

According to Figure 1, English dominates the web, making up 55% of all online content. This is significantly larger than other languages, with Russian at 6%, followed by German and Spanish at 5% each. Other widely spoken languages such as Chinese, French, and Japanese each constitute 4%, while Arabic accounts for only 3%, and Portuguese for 2%. Interestingly, 11% of content falls under the category “Others,” which likely includes many smaller languages.

Figure 2 reveals the trend of adults learning English. There was a stable and relatively low number of learners until around 1990. After this period, there is a sharp rise to over 1,500 million learners by the early 2000s. However, the trend decreases after 2010 and is projected to drop to below 1,000 million by 2050.

In conclusion, English remains the dominant language online, but the number of learners may see a decrease over the coming decades, signaling a shift in language learning priorities or changes in global dynamics.

Объем эссе: 176 слов.

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