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Данный текст предполагает задание на заполнение пропусков правильной формой слов из списка. Это задание относится к учебному предмету "Английский язык", раздел "Лексика и грамматика".

Анализ и решение:

Разберем каждое предложение по порядку, анализируем контекст и примеры, чтобы выбрать правильное слово из списка. Требуется обратить внимание на грамматику (правильная форма слова) и смысл текста.

Набор слов:

Tornado, tsunami, hurricane, lava, drought, renewable energy, erupt, disaster, oil spill, earthquake, evacuate


"There are many forms of ________. Most of them depend in one way or another on sunlight."

Ответ: renewable energy

Логика: Здесь речь идет об источниках энергии, зависящих от солнечного света. Это связано с возобновляемыми источниками энергии.

Полный ответ: "There are many forms of renewable energy. Most of them depend in one way or another on sunlight."


"9.5 square miles of ocean and 8.7 miles of coastline are affected by ________, officials say."

Ответ: oil spill

Логика: Загрязнение океана и побережья связано с утечкой нефти.

Полный ответ: "9.5 square miles of ocean and 8.7 miles of coastline are affected by oil spill, officials say."


"Last night volcano Maui ________ and the hot ________ poured downhill. Since there are two villages located at the foot of the volcano, the local population was ________."


  • erupted (вулкан извергся — прошедшее время от глагола erupt);
  • lava (горячая лава потекла вниз);
  • evacuated (население эвакуировано).

Полный ответ: "Last night volcano Maui erupted and the hot lava poured downhill. Since there are two villages located at the foot of the volcano, the local population was evacuated."


"The devastation caused by superstorm Sandy, particularly in New York and New Jersey, is tragic, but the ________ has at least put climate change back on the map."

Ответ: disaster

Логика: Ущерб от урагана рассматривается как катастрофа.

Полный ответ: "The devastation caused by superstorm Sandy, particularly in New York and New Jersey, is tragic, but the disaster has at least put climate change back on the map."


"After the harshest winter in decades, the Balkans region in the southeast of Europe is now facing its hottest summer and the worst ________ across the area in nearly 40 years."

Ответ: drought

Логика: В контексте описан засушливый период (drought).

Полный ответ: "After the harshest winter in decades, the Balkans region in the southeast of Europe is now facing its hottest summer and the worst drought across the area in nearly 40 years."


"A powerful ________ off the coast of Indonesia sparked a three-metre-high ________ that killed at least 113 people."


  • earthquake (мощное землетрясение);
  • tsunami (последовавшее цунами).

Полный ответ: "A powerful earthquake off the coast of Indonesia sparked a three-metre-high tsunami that killed at least 113 people."


"This summer a dozen ________ which are more common in the US, have hit Europe. The twister which swept through Poland yesterday flattened more than 400 hectares of woodland in the area. The US navy has been deployed to help avert a looming environmental ________ in the Gulf of Mexico."


  • tornadoes (десятки торнадо — во множественном числе);
  • disaster (экологическая катастрофа).
Итоговый ответ:
  1. renewable energy
  2. oil spill
  3. erupted, lava, evacuated
  4. disaster
  5. drought
  6. earthquake, tsunami
  7. tornadoes, disaster

"This summer a dozen tornadoes, which are more common in the US, have hit Europe. The twister which swept through Poland yesterday flattened more than 400 hectares of woodland in the area. The US navy has been deployed to help avert a looming environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico."

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